Monday, July 02, 2007

Mark Henderson Reorganisation

The latest in the saga of reorganisation is the 'further evidence' submitted by Mark Henderson and Jill Dixon.
This is available on the NCC website and is a tribute to the manipulative skills of Mark.

The NCC submission for a continuing council now contains proposals for an elected Mayor and Cabinet.

What happened to the Labour Group decision you ask, to have a leader selected from the group.
Peter Hillman says he will talk to you all about this 'volte-face' and has put his 'political weight' behind convincing you to take this very bitter pill.

I hope the lions led by donkeys will suitably kick him into touch.

There is also reference to the reduction of personnel down to 200 which will be done in consulattion with the workforce and unions.

Read the document its too much to print on this blog, but it is as devious a document as you could wish for!

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