Thursday, October 11, 2007

Tiger by the Tail

It is some time since that fateful day in July when a corrupt system won over democracy and the Government announced, against the clear and overwhelming views and wishes of the people of Northumberland, that a new single council would be the ‘preferred’ choice or that they were ‘minded’ to go that way.

Follies is not going to ‘have another go’, just yet, at the County Council, but just to give an indication where a handful of Labour Councillors have took the Labour Party.

When Billy’Patio ‘ Brooks shot out of the starting blocks last year to denigrate anything to do with the district councils, everyone applauded him at County Hall.

A lot of Labour councillors thought it would mean a continuation of their council, their lifestyles, their allowances!

This belief we found last weekend, is still prevalent amongst our comrades at County Hall.

How simple can it be – this is a brand new council all there will be is EX County Councillors and EX District Councillors, who will compete for the seats in the NEW authority alongside all other members who are entitled to stand.

It will be impossible to have a DESELECTION as this will be a brand new council.

There are certain givens in all of this.