Saturday, April 21, 2007

The Truth about the Leadership at County Hall

This blog has been accused of all sorts by the leadership at County Hall and no doubt it is a thorn in their side.

Our biggest aim is to restore democracy to the Council. To let councillors have their say, openly and without fear of reprisals, about such diverse subjects as Two Unitary government and Academy schools.

We have been told for a while now, that the Leader and deputy leader are avoiding democracy as long as they can to bring forward their ideas, in short because of principles.

We know that for some time now, councillors have been manoeuvring themselves for the inevitable de-throning of Billy, the Bullet, Brooks and his hapless assistant Peter, the Grate,Hillman.
Both as bad as each other although Peter now has grown tired of merely pulling Billys strings.

Billy has led the whole council down the garden path and the honourable thing to do would be to stand down quietly and at the age of 65 go into retirement.

But we now understand Billly has agreed to stand down to allow Peter to carry on regardless, on one condition – he is given a portfolio!
Who, Follys, wonders is going to move other.

It is a blatant example of greed.

Neither Billy and certainly not Peter have the nouse to lead a once respected county council.

If they are so hard up – lets have a whip round (no John not that sort of whip) and give him a lump sum to go.

Now, where will this leave the single unitary bid, that Whitehall sources are telling NJC Media does not have enough support?

Big question!

The bigger question mark hangs over the future of the Labour County Councillors that have and indeed some still do - supported the fated single bid.
Word has it that a clamour is growing in both Wansbeck and Blyth Valley for them all to be de-selected at the first opportunity!
Certainly even if the unimaginable happened – very few County councillors from South east Northumberland would return, and decidedly not Peter and Billy.
They cling to the hope that Labour North will help their nominations through the Clps and County Party.
With the County Party due to come under tight control from the District CLPs THIS WILL NOT HAPPEN!

We gave an easy way out several months ago – declare peace with the districts – make an arrangement over selection and dump the single.
Billy and Peter have already made such advances ooooooer, sorry we shouldn’t have said.

There is a way out – take it quickly!

Sunday, April 15, 2007


Date 12 April 2007
Information obtained by the Act and reported in the NPL
In April 2006 the News Post Leader reported that
Northumberland County Council’s pension fund
had investments worth more than £5m in 15 of
the world’s largest arms manufacturers one of
just two authorities in the country that invests in all
15 of the military giants .
Figures released under the Freedom of Information Act
revealed the fund held investments
worth £5,245,269 in the global arms dealers,
The figures were released by Campaign Against the Arms Trade
(CAAT) after one of the UK’s most extensive Freedom of Information
Investigations into council finances,

In June 2006 we reported how the county council had been accused of ‘misleading’ education chiefs.
An Expression of Interest document released under freedom of
that the county's plans to build academy in Blyth had widespread support from councillors, officials and governors from Blyth Community College.
But in a joint statement the chairman and vice chairman of the colleges governing body said there was no such support and they made a official compliant over the "lack of a true democratic process and untruthful statements"

In July 2006 we revealed how the county council had spent over £1.5 m of taxpayers money over 2 years on company cars for its employees.
The cash strapped council-which was struggling with a budget deficit of £26.3 m -was spending cash on a BMW 530 SE for its chief executive Mark Henderson, while his deputy chief executive Jill Dixon was enjoying the use of a Audi A3 Sportback.

Nice cars for Mark and Jill, we pay for them out of our rates, must be nice to spend taxpayers money and not say thank you ?