Sunday, April 22, 2007

Stop The Press !

Sometimes even the 'Follys' doesn't get the full picture.

We hadn't a clue how devious messrs Brooks and Hillman could be in trying to hold onto the reigns of power, its a bit like a drug isn't it Billy?

Now we find, having had it corroborated by our friends in Wansbeck, that Billy has waited until all the self nomination forms are in before announcing in a letter he was standing down from the leadership because of the lack of confidence in the leadership.

Why wait? because Peter has put in for leader leaving all the good party members unable to bring someone else forward.
I'm sorry Peter but you are part of the problem not the answer - nobody trusts you, particularly after this show of treachery. We understand that Wansbeck members, finding themselves sidelined are 'incandescent' with rage.

Well, we would say to some, a few, this is what we have been telling you all along. Peter and billy cannot be trusted.
Peter has a dream of ruling all of Northumberland.

Just to rub salt into the wound we belive sweetners have been offered to the Tynedale mob to support Peter, we have the e-mail from Billy, and a copy of the letter sent out last week.
Mr Simpson to get an assistant portfolio role, and Mr Reid (remember the latest 'no stars' fiasco with his portfolio, remember that the pension fund he looks after has the second biggest holdings in arms trade companies) he will get Deputy Leader.

We still don't know who will be shifted to let Billy keep his allowances on the Executive - looks more than ever like poor Dorothy has had her moment of greatness snatched from under it were.

Let us pray for forgiveness we are in for a rough ride in northumberland.

Wansbeck lads and Blyth valley lads and lasses have been well and truly kippered, I was going to say shafted but this is a family blog!

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