Thursday, November 09, 2006

The latest diatribe from Bill Brooks is that the County Council is to be disbanded.

No consultation with his party or his councillors, no change there then.

His big idea is to do away with the county council built on the borders of the County and replace it with……another single council based on the borders of Northumberland!

Does he never learn.

The public are sick to the back teeth of a council that is too big, remote and doesn’t listen. He would love to campaign for a continuing council – one where the present set of boys would be safe from re-election- but he knows that will not be the case.
He believes if we were to go back to a single council that he would be voted back in. He is living in cloud cuckoo land. His executive have rode rough-shod over every democratic and socialistic principle they ever had. They will never get back in power.

The people have voted – they do not want a single council.
The MPs are against a single council .
The Districts are against a single council.
Even the papers are turning against him.

Bill has seen Labour Councillors from both Wansbeck and Blyth marching against cuts in Fire Stations, Care Homes, Social services, schools, you name it he has forced the hand of even his own councillors, who are then taken into the whips office for daring to speak out against a lame duck council.

Time for some facts again.

The Electoral Committee, just two years ago, working under the Commission came to the conclusion that two unitaries provide a basis for excellent local government, providing all the services.

The white paper much trumpeted by Bill gives the basis for any new unitarty set up as having broad support from the people. He does not have this.

It must provide value for money.
The latest Audit Commission report, 6 months ago, states quite simply that Wansbeck and Blyth Councils do provide value for money. On the other hand the County Council was slated by the report which stated it did not provide value for money in its services and gave a warning that it could not improve on its CPA rating until it did provide value.

There is a way out for Bill, there is a choice, we all have a choice.

He should wake up smell the coffee and support the two unitaries and allow for a smooth transition of power and services, not for his sake or any other councillors sake but for the publics sake.

No consultation with his party or his councillors, no change there then.

His big idea is to do away with the county council built on the borders of the County and replace it with……another single council based on the borders of Northumberland!

Does he never learn.

The public are sick to the back teeth of a council that is too big, remote and doesn’t listen. He would love to campaign for a continuing council – one where the present set of boys would be safe from re-election- but he knows that will not be the case.
He believes if we were to go back to a single council that he would be voted back in. He is living in cloud cuckoo land. His executive have rode rough-shod over every democratic and socialistic principle they ever had. They will never get back in power.

The people have voted – they do not want a single council.
The MPs are against a single council .
The Districts are against a single council.
Even the papers are turning against him.

Bill has seen Labour Councillors from both Wansbeck and Blyth marching against cuts in Fire Stations, Care Homes, Social services, schools, you name it he has forced the hand of even his own councillors, who are then taken into the whips office for daring to speak out against a lame duck council.

Time for some facts again.

The Electoral Committee, just two years ago, working under the Commission came to the conclusion that two unitaries provide a basis for excellent local government, providing all the services.

The white paper much trumpeted by Bill gives the basis for any new unitarty set up as having broad support from the people. He does not have this.

It must provide value for money.
The latest Audit Commission report, 6 months ago, states quite simply that Wansbeck and Blyth Councils do provide value for money. On the other hand the County Council was slated by the report which stated it did not provide value for money in its services and gave a warning that it could not improve on its CPA rating until it did provide value.

There is a way out for Bill, there is a choice, we all have a choice.

He should wake up smell the coffee and support the two unitaries and allow for a smooth transition of power and services, not for his sake or any other councillors sake but for the publics sake.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

More cuts in Services From Northumberland County Council

CONCERNS have been raised over possible funding cuts to Supporting People services in Northumberland to bring spending in line with national patterns.
Reduced funding could impact on older people and adults with disabilities, but increased spending could benefit other vulnerable groups, including the homeless, mental health sufferers and substance misusers.
Detailed reviews are being carried out before any specific funding shifts are confirmed.
Close attention will be paid to the value for money of each scheme and it is hoped the review will steadily improve the overall value for money of the programme.
06 November 2

Monday, November 06, 2006

Another bad Report For The Leadership and the Council Exective

JUNE 2006

Scrutiny, performance and risk management systems were not sufficiently developed or aligned across health and social care functions. The County Council’s Executive and Overview and Scrutiny Committee had not given sufficient weight to monitoring the outcomes and quality of services delivered on its behalf through the annual strategic agreement. There was work to be done to build a shared approach to medium term financial planning and to enable resources to be more tightly aligned to priorities. Workforce planning needed to be more strategic to support the performance improvement and modernisation programmes.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Nice little item taken from Councillor Gareth Davies, on the folly's of Bill Brooks, Leader of Northumberland County Council

So the big story on Wednesday night, a housing strategy that is based on quality research and careful planning was swamped by the Chief Executive reporting that Bill Brookes, leader of Northumberland County Council, had driven a coach and horses through the voluntary agreement between all Northumberland's councils not to comment on the local government white paper before a joint meeting had been held.As an example of leadership on Bill's part it was a disaster; not only did it drive a wedge between the districts and the county, but it was seen to be unduly provocative on the county council's part. As I've said before, I have some sympathy for Bill's position. He ahs to keep the ultras in his own group happy; there are those at County Hall who are deeply committed to the institution of the county council beyond any point of logic or commonsense; it's an emotional attachment. Bill needs their votes if he is to stay as leader of the Labour group, so he must lead from the front, even when it would make more sense to adopt a more conciliatory approach.Expect fireworks in the next twelve weeks, not just tonight.

News just in on Poll on Academies

The local newspaper the NEWS POST LEADER,on there web site has been conducting a poll here are the results

293 votes cast
88 per cent against academies, 12 per cent for, with 293 votes cast on the news paper website.

Well that's a lot people against the a new academies, in the vote.

Lets hope Northumberland County Council take note of the voting?