Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Northumberland Today, Massive backing for a rural authority

Robert Arkless, Northumberland County Council, & Amble ward councillor
Massive backing for rural authority
DISTRICT leaders have overwhelmingly backed the creation of two unitary authorities for Northumberland.
Alnwick District Council voted 24 to two in favour of supporting One Northumberland Two Councils, in line with the other five district councils.
Only Couns Robert Arckless and Betty Gray, who both represent Amble, voted against.
The submission calls for two bodies to serve the county – Rural Northumberland Council, encompassing Alnwick, Berwick, Castle Morpeth and Tynedale districts, and South East Northumberland Council, covering Blyth and Wansbeck districts.
The Government has given councils in Northumberland until next Thursday to respond to its White Paper which paves the way for reform.
Tuesday night’s vote followed the failure of Northumberland County Council on Monday to back a single unitary authority, as first indicated, over fears of an uprising.
The county council will put forward the option of a single authority for Northumberland but will also endorse the two-council option.
District leader Coun Heather Cairns said: “We have hit all the markers put in the White Paper. We believe this submission to be financially viable, we believe it demonstrates strong leadership, we believe it will deliver services at a local level and we believe it will be democratically accountable.”
Council chief executive Bill Batey told members that he had received more than 30 letters of support from local organisations for the two-council plan and a number from individuals.
Coun Gordon Castle said: “There is no groundswell or clamour for a single unitary authority by people. We know that because we are close to the people.
“Currently there are no members on the county council’s executive from Alnwick district or Berwick borough so what representation do we have now?
“A single unitary authority would be cast on exactly the same way with exactly the same imbalance.”

Supporting the two-council bid, Coun Jeff Watson said: “It was a complete cop-out by the county council. I’m pleased we will almost be unanimous.”
He told members he believed the Government would reject the reform.
He said: “Why choose Northumberland to impose a new form of government when there isn’t a consensus. I hope and trust this Government – which I don’t support – come back to us and say ‘get on with what you’ve got’.

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